Baldness Cure Possible with Stem Cell Topical Solution

For those suffering a common type of baldness, this topical solution may work wonders.

Having a bad hair day would be a welcome “issue” for both men and women suffering common pattern baldness, otherwise known as androgenetic alopecia (AGA). 

There are a number of ways people and researchers have looked into solving the issue, such as a laser therapy cap, but now scientists may have found a solid solution.

Scientists from Pusan National University in South Korea have been working on getting to the root of the problem — so to speak — and have discovered a topical solution made up of stem cells that leads to regrowth of hair for people with AGA. 

Their study was published in Stem Cells Translational Medicine.

Effective growth area

AGA affects approximately 50%of males and a similar percentage of females around the world. In men, as they age they experience hair loss, whereas the more common pattern in women with AGA is thinning of the

There are only a small number of approved hair growth treatments out there, so emerging research on the topic is pertinent. One such research was led by scientists in South Korea, who discovered that using stem cells, in particular adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs), facilitate hair regrowth. 

“Recent studies have shown that ADSCs promote hair growth in both men and women with alopecia. However, no randomized, placebo-controlled trial in humans has explored the effects and safety of adipose-derived stem cell constituent extract (ADSC-CE) in AGA,” said Sang Yeoup Lee of the Family Medicine Clinic and Research Institute of Convergence of Biomedical Science and Technology, Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital.

“We aimed to assess the efficacy and tolerability of ADSC-CE in middle-aged patients with AGA in our study, hypothesizing that it is an effective and safe treatment agent.

Baldness Cure Possible with Stem Cell Topical Solution
The hair regrowth on participants of the clinical trial, Source: Tak, Lee, Cho, Kim/Stem Cells Translational Medicine 
Baldness Cure Possible with Stem Cell Topical Solution
The hair regrowth on participants of the clinical trial, Source: Tak, Lee, Cho, Kim/Stem Cells Translational Medicine 

The clinical trial

The research team’s trial involved 38 participants, including 29 men and nine women between the ages of 18 and 59 years old. Half received the ADSC-CE topical solution and half received a placebo, and the entire group was given the instruction to apply the solution to the scalp twice a day over 16 weeks. 

After 16 weeks, the researchers found that hair density in the ADSC-CE group had increased by 28.1 percent, whereas the placebo one only went up by 7.1 percent. Mean hair thickness increased by 14.2 percent for the active solution users and only 6.3 percent for the placebo ones. 

The results speak for themselves. This trial shows that the ADSC-CE solution works as well as invasive ones, but without adverse side effects or discomfort. 

Lee concluded, “The next step should be to conduct similar studies with large and diverse populations in order to confirm the beneficial effects of ADSC-CE on hair growth and elucidate the mechanisms responsible for the action of ADSC-CE in humans.”

Novel Treatment Could Promote Effective Hair Regeneration

Mice subjected to the new treatment regained 90% of their hair in just 15 days

Novel Treatment Could Promote Effective Hair Regeneration

Hair loss can be quite problematic for those who experience it. Today, despite the progress we have made on several medical applications, there is still little that we can do for hair loss.

Now, researchers from North Carolina State University have identified a microRNA (miRNA) that could lead to hair regrowth. This miRNA, miR-218-5p, could be a promising candidate for future hair regeneration drugs.

The new treatment is based on recent hair loss studies that show that hair follicles don’t disappear where balding occurs. They simply shrink due to a decrease in blood flow. This means that if those shrinking dermal papillae (DP) cells could be replenished, they could possibly recover and start to produce hair again.

The researchers examined mouse models of hair regeneration and looked at how quickly hair regrew on the subjects treated with 2D cultured DP cells, 3D spheroid-cultured DP cells in a keratin scaffolding, and the hair loss treatment Minoxidil. A spheroid is a three-dimensional structure that mimics a cell’s environment.

Impressively, the researchers found that mice treated with the 3D spheroid-cultured DP had regained 90% of their hair in just 15 days.

“The 3D cells in a keratin scaffold performed best, as the spheroid mimics the hair microenvironment and the keratin scaffold acts as an anchor to keep them at the site where they are needed,” said Ke Cheng, Randall B. Terry, Jr. Distinguished Professor in Regenerative Medicine at NC State’s College of Veterinary Medicine and professor in the NC State/UNC Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering.

“But we were also interested in how DP cells regulate the follicle growth process, so we looked at the exosomes, specifically, exosomal miRNAs from that microenvironment.” 

Exosomes are tiny miRNA-containing sacs secreted by cells. These miRNAs regulate gene expression and Cheng and his team found that they could promote the molecular pathway responsible for creating hair follicle growth.

More specifically, they found that increasing miR-218-5p promoted hair follicle growth, while blocking it caused the follicles to stop working.

Better yet, Cheng added that these miRNAs could be utilized in small molecule-based drugs offering a non-invasive treatment for baldness. Now, the researchers are focusing on studies that will use miRNA to promote hair growth. The current study is published in Science Advances. 

Stay Tuned: Baldness Cure Possible with Stem Cell Topical Solution

How Coronavirus Might Be Driving More Stress-Related Hair Loss

Don’t panic because you’re not alone

While we’re still learning about the long-term effects of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), we’re also beginning to see more tangential consequences the virus causes even for those who don’t contract it.

Among the more recent signs that doctors are seeing is an increase in visits to dermatologists for stress-related hair loss. While the hair loss isn’t a direct result of having COVID-19 as of yet, the stress of, well, everything about this pandemic is contributing to the increase.

Understanding stress and hair loss

If you’ve ever found yourself shedding more hair than you’re used to, you’re hardly alone. “There’s a common form of hair loss called telogen effluvium,” according to Dr. Khetarpal, “which is essentially when you get excessive hair shedding.” 

Several factors can contribute to this condition, she says, including surgery, general anesthesia, physical or psychological stress, high fevers, weight loss, diet change or even hormonal change such as after childbirth or during menopause. 

“If you’re deficient in certain nutrients like iron or Vitamin D, that can cause this shedding, as well as certain medications or even an underlying thyroid condition,” Dr. Khetarpal adds.

In other words, there are a lot of reasons you may be finding more clumps of hair than usual. But it’s also important to understand exactly what’s happening when you’re shedding those follicles. 

“At any given time, about 90% of our hair is growing, about 5% is resting and 5% is shedding,” Dr. Khetarpal says. “But when you have a major stress event or shock, up to 50% of hairs can be pushed into the shedding phase.”

It might take a while, too, to start noticing the effects as she says it could take up to two or three months after the inciting event for the shedding to start. And you might not even notice at first as there’s no itching or pain in the scalp.

“The scalp looks totally normal,” she says, “you’re just going to see a lot more hair when you wash or brush your hair or maybe on your clothes or pillow.” 

Most cases, she says, resolve within six months but it’s not unusual to hear from patients before that much time has passed because of the added emotional stress that can come from hair loss, but with covid there are many uncertainties.

“There’s a huge cultural component to hair, it’s part of our identity,” Dr. Khetarpal points out. While she believes it affects both men and women equally, she says she typically sees more women patients than men. 

“It’s part of our identity and how people perceive us. Hair matters, when people start losing their hair, especially for the first time, it can be very emotionally distressing and upsetting to them,” she adds.

COVID-19 and even more stress

So what role does COVID-19 play in all of this? If you contract the virus, Dr. Khetarpal says that it’s certainly a small side effect you could see. “Whether someone has COVID-19, the flu or strep throat, any kind of illness or fever can cause this change in the hair,” she notes. 

But, again, you don’t have to be sick to be affected. This form of shedding can absolutely affect those who find themselves stressed out by the pandemic. 

“There’s a lot of stress associated with the pandemic,” Dr. Khetarpal acknowledges. “There are financial stressors and people are losing their jobs. There’s the emotional stress of not having social interaction or having to go to the grocery store or someone’s family member getting sick. Any kind of physical, emotional stress can also contribute to hair loss or cause it.”

And if you were already stressed before the pandemic? “That stress can compound on itself and make it worse,” she says. 


As disconcerting as it can be, Dr. Khetarpal says that’s also a treatable condition. “Those hairs that were shed are replaced with new healthy hair. You can seek professional help to assist with creating a healthy environment for your hair to grow…Healthy Scalp…Healthy Hair. People might feel like their hair is thinner but, eventually, their hair density goes back to normal, assuming the hair loss isn’t from medication or a nutritional deficiency.”

Still, people who experience this sudden hair loss might be concerned about what’s happening and want to know what they can do to help curb it and get their growing back to normal. “Usually, I tell people to manage their stress,” Dr. Khetarpal says, “but, obviously, there are things going on right now that we can’t control.”

Exercise and a well-balanced diet that includes a lot of protein are ways to help combat this type of hair loss, she adds, and make sure you’re drinking plenty of water.

But if the hair loss is severe or your hair isn’t coming back in like it should, there are other avenues you can explore in conjunction with your health care provider. Check with a Hair Loss Professional.

Scalp Treatments

Between 3 to 6 months stressful times you may suffer considerable hair loss because of hormonal changes. This type of hair loss is entirely natural and will often stop on its own, regrowth will need to be stimulated. The health of your scalp over this period is paramount in order to avoid weakening your hair.


Minoxidil is a topical solution or foam that can help regrow hair by being applied directly to the scalp. It works, Dr. Khetarpal says, by pushing hair into the growing phase instead of resting or shedding. While there are several different forms in which you can acquire minoxidil, Rogaine is probably the most well-known brand. 

“It’s safe for most people,” she says. “The only time we don’t recommend using it is during pregnancy or when you’re nursing.” 


Besides a multivitamin, taking certain vitamin supplements can also help boost key nutrient levels that promote hair regrowth, Dr. Khetarpal says. One of these is biotin, a water-soluble B-vitamin, and she says 3-to-5 milligrams a day can help.

That extends to other vitamins, too. “If someone is deficient in vitamin D or iron, we know that their hair can shed. So that’s why we say that with a multivitamin, you can make sure you’re getting enough nutrients that you need for your hair.”

Checking with your healthcare provider

There are additional options, too, including oral medications and a process by which platelets are taken from a patient’s plasma and injected into their scalp to boost hair regeneration. But these are all options that should only be explored with the support of your healthcare provider. 

“We start with the simplest things first,” Dr. Khetarpal says. “We’ll make sure that the patient isn’t deficient in any nutrients or vitamins. Then we might recommend to make sure they have a deep cleaned scalp (which you can receive from a hair loss solution center) and may prescribe minoxidil if their a candidate and move on from there. So we start with those easy things and we can add things on.”