The Power of Long HAIR

The power of long hair in psychology is their most direct connection with the Feminine Principle. History contains many beliefs and rituals associated with the mystical power of long hair. But for women, long hair has not only a supernatural meaning that has long been forgotten, in our time the psychological significance of hair comes first. In the depths of the subconscious of every person, a woman is represented with long hair.  Fashion for short haircuts can come or go, and flowing long hair is higher than any fashion. It is no coincidence that most girls who are considered first beauties, and models that earn their appearance, have long hair.

Long Hair as an Archetype

Most men prefer women with long hair and dream of long-haired and long-legged beauty. Even the boys in the kindergarten, they fall in love with the girls “for beautiful hair” and pull them by the braids, and mothers weave with love to their princess a variety of braids.

Long hair for a girl is not just a stereotype or an established tradition. This is what is called the “archetype” in Carl Jung’s psychology, something like genetic memory. The image of a woman as a possessor of long hair is formed not just in the process of life of each person, this image is transmitted “by inheritance” from time immemorial and lies very, very deeply in the subconscious.

After all, our common primitive fore-mother did not have a model haircut, her hair grew throughout her life and was of vital importance – she wrapped her children to protect them from cold and danger. The hair of a loving mother not only sheltered the children, but also created a protective energy field, which protects against diseases and all bad things.

The Power of Long HAIR in Psychology

According to Freud’s teaching, long hair as a result of natural selection speaks of good genetics and strong health, which means that she can bear a large healthy offspring.

Looking at a girl with long beautiful hair, a man subconsciously assesses her as the future mother of her children and experiences attraction. In this context, psychoanalysts compare a short haircut with castration, because in this case a woman loses one of the main sexual identifiers.

And no wonder, because a girl with a short hair looks boyish, and in the worst case, and man-like.

Hair in Modern Psychology

It is believed that short haircuts usually distinguish women who adhere to business or sports style, lost contact with their femininity, passionate about career or home life and children, and sometimes just because of age.

Such women lost contact with their deep self, lost the desire to take care of themselves, maintain a beautiful appearance, do their hair, do hair. Also short cuts girls, prone to feminist views and rebelliousness.

It happens that women, on the contrary, are too fond of visiting hairdressing salons, constantly repainting themselves in different shades and trying different haircuts.

Such experiments speak of internal dissatisfaction with oneself, of the lack of self-love. Most likely, a girl who often changes her hair color can not accept herself and fall in love, she constantly does not like something about herself and she tries to remake herself.

When a girl is true to her natural hair color and never paints or changes her hair, one can conclude that she has a very conservative character or lacks self-confidence.

While for women, long hair is natural, men grow their hair as a sign of inner resistance and rebellion, a desire to stand out. Often long hair is worn by men of creative professions. A few decades ago such hairstyles were distinguished by poets, artists, musicians, as well as homosexuals and hippies.

Similarly, a bright, unusual color of hair means a desire to stand out from the crowd and draw attention to one’s personality. And long and very bizarrely arranged hair, moreover, brightly colored in women of not the youngest age, testify to hysterical traits of character, these extravagant women, by all means, want to impress the people around them.

Sometimes a haircut has a very specific meaning for a woman. Sometimes, long locks are sheared during moments of intense emotional shock, sometimes the girls themselves cut their hair in order to complete the unpleasant period of life and start a new one. This is a kind of method of psychotherapy. They say that the hair carries our memory, and they say: “If you want to change something in life – make a new haircut.”

A particular hairstyle can pursue a specific goal. With the help of a hairdo, you can form an attitude of others around you. Women who want to make a career can be repainted in dark colors and make a short geometric haircut to make their image more strong-willed and stern. And those women who have a romantic mindset and corresponding goals in life – are repainted in blondes, grow and curl the hair.

True, from the point of view of the same Jung, the archetype of a woman in the subconscious of a man has a dark color of hair, because natural blondes have always been much smaller, and they lived in the North. Rather, blondes subconsciously associated with something sublime and innocent, such an unattainable image of an angel, an unattainable woman of unearthly beauty. While the brunettes seem quite earthly women, to which it is not so terrible to step up and create a family.

The strength of long hair in the psychology of people is difficult to overestimate. Changing your hairstyle with each time you will feel different, others will be the attitude of others. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in this way and make the desired impression on others. With the help of a hairdress, it is quite possible to harmonize your own inner world and establish relationships with others!

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